[Nottingham] [Social] TOMORROW! Wed 04/01/2006 Pizza

patrick gustafson patrickgustafson at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 6 00:08:55 GMT 2006

Hello Everyone...

Thanks for a fun gathering yesterday, it was good to see you all. No 
problem understanding the fast english geek-talk, hope you all 
understood my english american accent. Im still tired now afterwards, 
almost slept at work. I will definitely join next one.

I talked about the new GP2X Linux Based Console, well, I have one, paid 
£175 for console+1gb-sd-memory-card+transport, and wanna spread the 
word. Here are some links for more information.

Official uk distributor: http://www.gbax.com/indexgp2x.html
official file archive: http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi
Wiki page: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Main_Page
GP2X & Sony PSP Compared: http://gp2x.us/

Think I asked if we have an IRC channel for Nottingham LUG, or just for 
us here, but I can not remember server/channel settings.

see you all later

Patrick Gustafson
patrickgustafson at btinternet.com

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