[Nottingham] newbie Hi!

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Sat Jan 7 07:35:22 GMT 2006

David Aldred wrote:
> cat Graeme | less
> Yes, you do now seem to be missing the legs, and everything else more than a 
> screenfull down :-)

And then there's the obvious "less David" ;-)

Oh, this one could run and run. About this far ->

Back on topic for a few moments, another useful trick for newbies (in 
bash at least, which is where the majority of you are likely to be) is 
the "alias" command. Just type "alias" and hit return to see what 
aliases you already have - for those on a default RH-style machine this 
is likely to include:

alias l.='ls -d .* --color=tty'
alias ll='ls -l --color=tty'
alias ls='ls --color=tty'
alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot 

I often add to this, amongst others:

alias lc="tr [A-Z] [a-z]"

Very handy to make shorthand references for what can be monstrously 
complex bits of piping, especially if you have scripts which need to 
feed data to one another.


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