[Nottingham] Ububtu & dial-up networking

Martin Kirk martin at applab.co.uk
Wed Jul 19 16:33:01 BST 2006

Hi James,

thanks for your input.

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 12:51, James Dobson wrote:
> Sorry just relised that you had the url already... 
yep, that's what put me onto scanModem.

> Using lspci should confirm what the modem is.
lspci shows i have a "Broadcom Corporation BCM4212 v.90 56k modem (rev 02)"
which agrees with what scanModem says.

> ... you may need to find the correct drivers..
that's the bit i'm struggling with...

part-way down the ModemData.txt generated by scanModem it says "There is no 
support under 2.6.n kernels for the 14e4:4212  BCM V.90 56k modem"

is that as final as it sounds or is there a possibility i could get it 
working ?  

if not, can anyone recommend a cheap hardware modem that's known to play well 
with Ubuntu ?


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