[Nottingham] Evolution Fonts

Hazel Windle hazel at hazeldle.wanadoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 26 23:39:22 BST 2006

Hi all,

Thankyou for all the nice replys. I use Suse Linux now but I've tried
out Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva and many other distros before. Does any one
know how to make the viewing font bigger in Evolution? I've tried
fiddling about in the menus and such but I can't find anything to make
the text bigger. Does anyone else use Linux for multimedia type things
like watching DVD's or playing music? I finally found out how to dial up
the internet from the command line today (I had to configure the wvdial
text file). 

Yes, Hail Linus! and Hail Richard Stallman too, as he made the GNU
compiler and Emacs (as well as some other programs).

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