[Nottingham] 1GB of \0 (aka null)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Mar 27 14:30:27 BST 2006

Richard Hayes wrote:
> I'm doing some online Linux proficiency tests, and one of the questions
> is:

'Ere! Are we doing your homework for you?
Do we get a share of the prize? ;-)

> Calculate the sha1sum hash of 1GB of \0 characters (aka zeros, nulls etc).
> That's the whole question! They're all quite tricky, in their actual 
> difficulty
> and their ambiguity.

Oh. That one's easy:

dd if=/dev/zero count=2M | sha1sum


Now, whom can answer that in fewer characters and how?


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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