[Nottingham] Colo / dedicated or virtual servers

Jarrod Robinson jarrod.robinson at pipex.net
Thu May 18 19:20:16 BST 2006


May I recommend 123-reg, http://www.123-reg.co.uk/dedicated.shtml.

I think you'll find the servers to be reliable and excellent value for money.  I run my own counter strike on one with FC4 and I've had no problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: paul at paulmellors.net [mailto:paul at paulmellors.net] 
Sent: 18 May 2006 15:02
To: nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] Colo / dedicated or virtual servers


What do you want the server for?  Plain web hosting, php + mysql development?

I'm running a dedicated server from 1and1, apart from the initial hassles of getting the damn thing set up, its been ok for me.


£49.99 + vat a month


Quoting Graeme Fowler <graeme at graemef.net>:

> Howdy
> As some of you may already know, I'm no longer a part of the hosting 
> world having left the Webfusion/Host Europe/Pipex/GX/Donhost/Nildram 
> et al family in February.
> That means I no longer have relatively easy access to oodles of 
> datacentre space with masses of bandwidth, and I'm trying to work out 
> what the way forward for my future hosting requirements are. I've run 
> my own servers for a long time, so I expect if I went for a proscribed 
> virtual hosting package I'd feel a bit like my legs have been chopped 
> off.
> So, I'm looking for good, reliable, doesn't-have-to-be-fast but 
> does-have-to-be-good hosting; either colo (for a 1U server), or decent 
> VPS-type hosting, or even decent but cheap dedicated servers.
> Googling around gets millions of hits so I'd like to see what everyone 
> else is doing - and yes, I know that there are people on this list 
> providing it, and I have read back through the archive, but I thought 
> an up-to-date viewpoint would be useful.
> Replies on-or-offlist welcome!
> Graeme
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