[Nottingham] Which programming language (RE: O'Reilly Books)

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 12:16:46 BST 2007

On 02/08/07, Roger Light <roger at atchoo.org> wrote:
> So on a similar vein - what do people think is a good language to start
> off with?

Define good? I think it depends almost entirely on context.

Python is reportedly a good beginner language in a lot of situations
but not all.

I'm very pleased that my first real introduction to programming (other
than a few BASIC tutorials) was C++. While C++ didn't make a lot of
sense for a long time everything else I've tried since has been much
easier to grasp for having been 'forced' to learn certain concepts
while learning C++.


- J

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