[Nottingham] NLUG website: redecorated (actually, it's been gutted and rebuilt!)

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 15:53:26 GMT 2007

On 8 Jan 2007, at 15:20, Alan Pope wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 09:39 +0000, Michael Erskine wrote:
>> The purpose of the website is to present the "flavour" of the LUG to
>> interested parties and lost surfers.
> Looks vaguely familiar :) Drupal, good choice :)

I'd say so!

>> http://www.nottingham.lug.org.uk/ -- please let us know what you  
>> think.

It's fantastic! Great theme choice and good layout/format.

> Can I suggest you allow anonymous posting but set it so you have to
> moderate / approve them? I have found that drupal sites which require
> logins get a lot less feedback than those that allow it. Yes you might
> get some spam, but you just don't approve it, or install a spam
> prevention module.

I had anonymous comments on my Drupal site and soon got bored of  
deleting all the spam. Among various other solutions I tried the  
Akismet module[1] on phpMix[2] which worked nicely at preventing the  
spam being published but still left me with lots of comments to  
delete (although suspected good content can be published straight  
away, which means less frequent moderation required). Personally I've  
ended up using the Captcha[3] module. It's been the best solution  
thus far but I'm not sure how many people it deters from commenting.

> If you need any help setting that up let me know, I have done both
> before.

I also have some familiarity with Drupal but have resisted the urge  
to change the settings and add modules thus far.
Too many chefs and all that (at least on the CMS admin side, I think  
we'll be OK for content authors).

By the way; what format are we thinking for the (O'Reilly) reviews so  
many of us owe?
Stories? Part of the Book?

Also, anyone (other than me) like the idea of being able to write  
pages in Markdown[4][5]?

- J

[1] http://www.phpmix.org/projects/drupal/4_7/akismet
[2] http://www.phpmix.org
[3] http://drupal.org/project/captcha
[4] http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[5] http://drupal.org/project/marksmarty

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