[Nottingham] Isn't this from 40 years ago? [Fwd: -- Sun Solaris Telnet Worm]

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Mar 2 11:46:20 GMT 2007

Michael Erskine wrote:
> On Thursday 01 March 2007 20:48, James Gilbert wrote:
>> Tom Bird wrote:
>>> When you buy a sun box, they ship it with a preinstalled solaris
>>> (you'd be crazy to use it in production but it's there) that has more
>>> or less everything installed.  Including telnetd, activated, waiting...
>> Does anyone know why?
> So you can telnet straight into the box and remove it. :)

Oh no! Not a good fairy worm to go around applying the patch before the
bad worm can get around!...

They are very good for compost ;-)


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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