[Nottingham] Almost on topic, pipex for sale

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Sat Mar 17 10:04:40 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 09:26 +0000, Simon Osborne wrote:
> That might be where I am working now (Heart) ;)

...machines still in Manchester?

As for the other mention, that would be CWCS - http://www.cwcs.net/

I had a machine colocated there for a while. Was pretty happy with it,
but the person who was allowing me to piggyback in their space moved on,
so I had to extract the machine. Support was good (Nick Hutton, who some
might remember, was the support team manager when I moved my server
out), network performance was OK although it did on rare occasions
suffer from the scourge of cracked machines flooding outwards.

If you want something local, they're a reasonable bet.


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