[Nottingham] Using Linux in the Church Office, part two

Godfrey Nix godfrey at gnnix.co.uk
Tue May 22 06:59:01 BST 2007

On Sat, 2007-05-19 at 09:10 +0100, Michael Leuty wrote:

> Unfortunately I hear from a friend at the University of Nottingham
> that Linux isn't used very much there. Perhaps the person who made the
> comment meant Trent University? I should be grateful for information
> from people on this list about the extent to which Linux is used at UN
> and NTU, and indeed in any other organisation or business here in
> Nottingham. I heard that the Council were considering running Linux
> desktops, but I don't know what happened to that project. I want to be
> able to reinforce the idea of Linux being reputable and reliable by
> pointing to local users (whom our committees will have heard of)
> rather than opinions from experts (whom they won't).

Is it the time then for those of our LUG who use Linux at work to
advertise that fact? I have worked for several years at companies both
here in Nottingham and in Lincoln where the servers and some of the
desktop machines were Linux. (Its just that the outfit in Beeston is no
longer there.)

> The Rector's second point was that the committee want to obtain
> commercial support for the office network and software (rather than
> relying on one individual who can't always respond quickly). Can the
> list suggest sources of appropriate support for a small office
> environment running Linux on the desktop?

There is a company based in Newark called ForLinux that does commercial
support contracts on Linux machines. And of course, if one member of
this list is not available, then maybe there are others who are. Perhaps
your Rector would like to take note of this LUG email address?
> Many thanks,
> Mike

Godfrey Nix <godfrey at gnnix.co.uk>

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