[Nottingham] Next events!?

godfrey godfrey at gnnix.co.uk
Sun Nov 11 07:58:42 GMT 2007

I'd love to be able to get to a meeting, but Wednesday/Thursday are the most 
difficult for me. Monday and Friday are better for me.



On Friday 09 November 2007 5:33 pm, Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> For the next Nav meet-up Thurs 22/11/07, I propose a general advice and
> fix-it evening and perhaps a chance to discuss what sort of new super-PC
> I should be putting together and with what.
> And thence:
> What would folks want for a 5th Dec or thereabouts Christmas nosh?
> I'm certainly on for another curry. But then again, we've done a lot of
> curries and Chinese buffets and Pizzas. Any other suggestions?
> The last week afore Christmas is to be an informal see-whom-organises
> beers unless anyone wishes to organise something.
> For next year 2008(!), I propose:
> Thurs 3/01/2008: Beers 'n' food social and "what we do next"!
> Wed 16/01/2008: The Josh Gstreamer Talk (might move to Tues or Thurs
> depending on the Nav availability)
> Wed 30/01/2008: Beeston Blue Moon Beers
> And then anything else that anyone can propose.
> Anyone with any strong preferences for meeting on other days of the week?
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Martin

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