[Nottingham] NLUG Next Nosh(es) for December 2008

Jim Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 2 02:38:44 UTC 2008

Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> Another year and December is here already! Phew!!
> For the next NLUG meets, we have for your variety two offerings for
> which you are all very welcome for one and/or for all...
> 1: Wed 03/12/2008
> =================
> To keep with the usual first Wed of the month meet, there is a Beeston
> food 'n' beers. To give a choice (as ever) there is:
> Pizza/Pasta at Amores
> http://www.amoresrestaurant.co.uk/
> or
> Cantonese Chinese at Yun's
> http://www.touchnottingham.com/business/list/bid/3683818
> And then beers in The Last Post
> http://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/pubs/pub-details.php?PubNumber=758
> Let me know whether food, beer, both, which food. I'll book or not as
> appropriate! (OK, so usual last moment stuff :-) )
> 2: Thurs 11/12/2008
> ===================
> A Fluff Special... Near enough to Christmas to consider this the NLUG
> Christmas Meal #1 (Or will that be the January meet-up meal for the NLUG
> bash?...)
>>> The new suggested date is Thursday the 11th of December,
>>>>> Laguna Tandoori Indian
>>>>> Restaurant
>>>>> 43 Mount Street
>>>>> Nottingham, NG1 6HE
>>> Fantasticly unavailable website at:
>>> http://www.lagunatandoori.co.uk/
>>> 7:30 meet at the Salutation (or the Roebuck, whatever.)
>>> 8pm for food
>>> Anybody else available and up for this date and/or location?
>>> (I'll have to call and see if this would be a book in advance job anyway
>>> since it's getting close to Chriastmas.)
> I'm on for both.
> Anyone else?
> Fluff is coordinator for this one ;-)
> Let us know, and all are welcome!
> Webmaster: Web-up please?
> Cheers,
> Martin
Darn it, I'm in London on Wednesday and Thursday... haven't decided 
whether to take a laptop for a bit of a wardrive yet tho...


Last night I played a blank tape at full volume. The mime next door went nuts.

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