[Nottingham] Unknown (at least to me) message

Jim Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 24 08:57:17 UTC 2008

Ron Wilton wrote:
> When I open Firefox I get a dialogue box with the following message.
> +++
> Opening a.asc
> You have chosen to open
> a.asc
> which is a: PGP/MIME-encrypted message header
> from:...a file on my harddrive
> What should Firefox do with this file?
> ...
> +++
> What does this mean, and am I safe to open it?
> Ta
> Ron
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On Linux, you could probably safely do this as downloaded files usually 
have the "Execute" bit flipped off. The result would likely by garbage 
on the screen. The NT kernel ignores or is unaware of this bit and 
attempts to execute anything that even remotely looks like a script or 
blob of code.

This can have several unfortunate effects from the installation of 
malware (ie keyloggers, BHO toolbars, adbanner clients, mailbomb 
servers), to the destruction of the operating environment (corruption of 
the kernel, registry, etc.).

What you have there is likely an attempt by a piece of Javascript to 
hijack your home page using a local file to install malware from a 
remote server. Of course, if you're on Linux this won't work. All you 
need do is reset your homepage and delete the offending file (if it 
exists) from your hard drive.


 - Last night I played a blank tape at full volume. The mime next door went nuts.

 - No, I will not fix your computer.

 - Thought: It must be a bitch to write your name in the snow in Arabic

*#* Signoff: labo-rat (find / -name \*yourbase\* -exec chown us:us {} \;)

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