[Nottingham] HOT Dating one-liner contest

Michael Erskine msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 14 16:25:43 GMT 2008

On Monday 14 January 2008 15:33:34 Martin wrote:
> Any wizzo one-liners using commonly available command line utilities to
> generate a list of all first Wednesday and following third Thursdays for
> 2008?
> Closing date this Thursday! :-)

Just use Perl! Or more specifically...
use Date::Manip;

Take a look at the docs (should be installed by default on all good 
distros :) ): man Date::Manip or perldoc Date::Manip or online at 

As it happens, I've been playing with Date::Manip -- I'll have something by 

Michael Erskine.

Walk softly and carry a megawatt laser.
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