[Nottingham] [Social/Tech] Thurs 17/01/08 Open mic and meeting planning

Penfold Q penfoldq at penfoldq.co.uk
Tue Jan 15 10:38:08 GMT 2008

On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 02:36:08AM +0000, Jonathan wrote:
> Hello all!
> Anyone fancy a bite to eat before hand?
> Perhaps Langtrys? Timing wise; 6ish?
> ...or any other suggestions?
> Takers?
> Regards, Jonathan

If you want to try another venue, I'm not going to try to change 
anyone's mind but the Navvy does food until 7pm.

I'm in there every Monday and often eat there.

I'm not sure if I will be able to make Thursday myself but I thought I'd 
let people know about the food option.


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