[Nottingham] [Talks] *TODAY* Thurs 21-02-2008: Arduino; And What GPL?!

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 10:05:29 GMT 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 09:22 +0000, Michael Erskine wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 February 2008 09:55:42 Joshua Lock wrote:
> > Fedora seems to have all of these in its repositories. Unfortunately
> > the bundled IcedTea JVM (in Fedora 8 x86_64) doesn't seem to want to
> > run the Arduino IDE. I'll have to get an RPM from Sun later.
> I don't think IcedTea has enough caffeine to be called Java! Get yourself a 
> real JVM from the big boys at Sun - and make it a V6 while you're at it for 
> some crazy-awesome performance!

My bad, it wasn't Iced Tea at fault at all, had I been a little more
compus mentis at the time I'd have realised, as I did later on, that it
was the JNI complaining because the Arduino ships a 32bit version of

Once I'd got a 64bit version built it all ran great!

Useful instructions here: http://blog.blockos.org/?p=73

Joshua Lock <incandescant at gmail.com>

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