(Offlist) Re: [Nottingham] [Social] Food'n'beer Wed 07/05/2008 Las Iguanas

ForkBombFluf fluf at freeshell.org
Thu May 8 12:46:16 BST 2008

On Thu, 8 May 2008, Martin wrote:

> Michael,
>>> Party time tonight (later today Thursday 08/05/2008), details to be 
>>> posted;
>> Yep, Im gonna go to big wok (again) and anyone who wants to is invited
> Sorry, I'm already booked for tonight.
> Hope you have a good session!
> Happy Birthday (you youngster you!)
> Cheers,
> Martin

LOL!  Good one, Martin.  Now, I reckon if we all concentrate our psychic 
power and just *think* "Offlist" hard enough we could delete it from the 
archives too, dontcha think?

Well, since Martin's let the feline out of the enclosure anyway:

---------->  H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y  M I K E  ! ! !  <------------

Race you to the chocolate fountain!


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