[Nottingham] Short term computer forensics experience
Jim Moore
jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Wed May 21 20:35:43 BST 2008
I sort of fell into forensics by accident. Five years of OTC support and
everything from just grabbing files from locked NTFS partitions to
coldstarting hard disks for sector recovery, everything short of
platter-swapping (tho I did successfully switch out a dead controller
board and bring a drive back long enough to pull nearly 100GB of data
from it!). All a great learning experience (you can only really learn by
doing and no two situations are ever the same!) as I have no (read:
absolutely ZERO) formal CS or IT qualifications save ECDL and a couple
NVQs. People who bring their gear to me to have it fixed usually tell me
they were recommended, which I think speaks for itself. I'm not working
right now due in no small part to outside pressures (which is a shame
'cos you could've sat in and watched how a genius works). On saying
that, get back to me in August if you've had no luck and if I'm back
working again we'll see what I can arrange.
Danny King wrote:
> I apologise if that last post went through blank!
> I'm a gap year student, soon to be going off to Durham university to
> do computer science and one of the career routes I've been considering
> is computer forensics (or cyber forensics) and I would very much like
> to get some experience before starting my course. I have written to
> the Nottinghamshire Police as they seemed the obvious people to
> contact, but I wonder if anyone could suggest any other organisations
> that might be a good idea for me to get in touch with?
> It would have to be a 2 month placement max, between August and
> October (I'm out of the country before that) but I'm very willing to
> work for nothing and indeed just observe if not contribute!
> Thanks in advance, hope to see you at the meeting tomorrow.
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