[Nottingham] Web browsing through SSH tunnel

Danny King dannyking at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 23:17:48 UTC 2008


If I'm running a web proxy that uses a SSH tunnel from localhost to a
computer somewhere else on the Internet, can my network overlords spy
on me? Can anyone else spy on me? Could a local user on localhost spy
on me?

(I have firefox set to get dns queries to use the proxy too).

I followed instructions from
https://calomel.org/firefox_ssh_proxy.html if anyone is interested.

Disclaimer: I'm not being evil, just value my privacy. I'm reading 1984.

Also, has anyone heard of the Bradford Dissolvable Agent? It's a bash
script I had to run to gain access to my university network but I'm
not sure what it does (and I don't like the way it deletes itself
after running)


- Danny King

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