[Nottingham] Nottingham Digest, Vol 289, Issue 3

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Apr 20 10:48:25 UTC 2009

Michael Erskine wrote:
> 2009/4/19 tony atkins <tony_atkins at hotmail.com>:
>> but the nottingham linux users group is?
>> yawn yawn -
> activity is off-list. It's a big subject -- I help out with the group
> where I can but I'm very aware that it's not the same as in the early
> years. The spark is less obvious but people are still passionate about
> ou[r] little OS.

Good comment all round.

The group has certainly morphed just as the main distros continue to do 
so. Groups of people have moved on also.

What hasn't happened more recently is other groups of people moving in 
to join our little group...

There's certainly activity other than just on the maillist. At the 
Beeston Beers meet last Friday I actually got a complaint that there's 
too much mail on the main maillist!

There's a lot of passion for our little OS still. Hence the meets and 
discussions and fun continue.

Next Nav tech talk is Chris from Nottingham University on Supercomputer 
experience(s). Watch this list for further details!

(And then there's food 'n' beer again, this time curry :-p )


Aside: It's certainly disappointing that Microsoft has been able to 
bulldoze the linux Netbooks off the retail shelves...

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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