[Nottingham] [Talk] Thurs 02/07/09 What's in a Filesystem?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Aug 11 11:45:10 UTC 2009

 From a little while ago...

Meanwhile, it looks like one manufacturer has already heeded Linus's 
rant about SSDs being "crap". Or is this just an example of Linus's 
predictive powers?...


OCZ, Indilinx Firmware Makes SSDs Faster

Garbage collect and the Trim commands have been implemented in the SSD 
firmware to improve and maintain performance.

Looking good. Shame about the high prices still!


 From an NLUG talk long ago:

Martin wrote:
> As a prequel...
> The bits leading to this talk all started with my stumbling across a 
> certain rant from Linus:
> (WARNING! NOT for the faint hearted!)
> http://www.realworldtech.com/forums/index.cfm?action=detail&id=95823&threadid=92678&roomid=2
> and also a later argument about filesystem extended attributes:
> http://www.realworldtech.com/forums/index.cfm?action=detail&id=95832&threadid=92678&roomid=2
> ... which niggled some of my old concerns with some of the bits 'n' 
> pieces going into the alternate "namespaces" for ReiserFS 4. (I'm a 
> ReiserFS 3.6 fan.) OK, all very esoteric but fundamental to how we 
> [i]use[/i] such essential stuff. BTW: That's not in the talk or we'd be 
> a three week convention!
> There's also good fun with:
> (Linus SSD Rant)
> http://www.realworldtech.com/forums/index.cfm?action=detail&id=93409&threadid=92678&roomid=2
> (Linus SSD explanation)
> http://www.realworldtech.com/forums/index.cfm?action=detail&id=95307&threadid=92678&roomid=2
> and very good comments there are in there too.
> If we carry on to go (spinning) diskless, I may mention:
> (HDD & SSD data alignments)
> http://thunk.org/tytso/blog/2009/02/20/aligning-filesystems-to-an-ssds-erase-block-size/
> Not to be too scary!...
> The main intention is just to give an idea of what it is that a 
> filesystem does and the filesystems that are easily available to do it. 
> Anyone heard of ext3 or FAT32?... As to how much "how" depends on 
> interest and how much beer flows ;-)
> Aside for those that might understand (oooer! :-) )
> I have xattr support turned *OFF*
> Cheers,
> Martin

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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