[Nottingham] LaTeX, Proxy Settings, University of Nottingham

Cat Clarkson envengcat at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 8 12:00:30 UTC 2009

Thanks guys, you're superstars

I'd tried the "normal" proxy settings before but hadn't ticked the
authentication box - it seems happy now it has my username and pass!

Didn't realise there were many nlug notts uni students/staff? - will have to
have an nlug meet in coates cafe one day! - mmm chicken wraps ;)

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Matthew Tompsett <matthewbpt at gmail.com>wrote:

> On campus I use the proxy config url '
> http://wwwcache.nottingham.ac.uk/proxyall.conf' , also you can set the
> http proxy to (thats port 3128). I have to use the
> manual proxy configuration do download files from the Ubuntu repositories on
> the Uni network, but the proxy url works fine for web browsing.
> Hope that helps,
> Matt
> 2009/12/8 Cat Clarkson <envengcat at googlemail.com>
>> I'm wired in.
>> Using XP - Not really sure how to approach IT to ask if I can use linux at
>> work!
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Rory Holland <
>> modestforagenius at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, I'm at Notts uni. Are you connecting over a wired or wireless
>>> connection? What distro are you using?
>>> James
>>> 2009/12/8 Cat Clarkson <envengcat at googlemail.com>
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> Not strictly linux related, but I'm at notts uni using LaTeX to write my
>>>> thesis and really struggling with downloading packages (having to google for
>>>> them etc and messing around like that.)
>>>> Does anyone by any chance know the proxy settings which I should use in
>>>> texmaker when it offers to download pacakges for me?
>>>> Any advice would be really appreciated..
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Cat
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