[Nottingham] SUSE11.1 help needed

Jim Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 23 12:18:21 UTC 2009

alistairlane at talktalk.net wrote:
> I have just loaded the latest open Suse on to a new athlon x2 unit, 
> after a bit of faffing around and downloading I've got most things 
> working however although the DVD r/w drives seem to work well for data 
> discs (DVD and CD) the system doesn't seem to recognise music CDs.  
> Any ideas as to what I need to do or install to rectify this?
> Alistair
Are they Redbook audio? If so, all you should need to do is insert the 
CD and (on my Mac) Kaffeine picks up and plays it. YMMV of course, 
depending on what your setup is (the default player IIRC is KSCD). If 
they're not Redbook (hence not actually an audio CD since to be called 
an audio CD it has to be Redbook compliant hence playable in pretty much 
anything with an optical drive), then you have problems. Unfortunately, 
as a lot of popular music these days is released on what is technically 
/not/ a Redbook audio CD, they use many and varied DRM measures, 
including format obfuscation which trips up software players (but not 
standalone units), deliberate sector errors (which trips up car 
stereos), and keyed DRM mechanisms such as Macrovision.

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