[Nottingham] Fwd: [SFD-discuss] We have over 250 SFD teams!
Jim Moore
jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 6 17:28:33 UTC 2009
well, it'd be a useful way to make those in office sit up and take
notice that some of us know what's happening in Family courts...
what's needed there is the abolition of the cloud of secrecy that only
serves to protect the identities of those who steal children from
innocent families, destroying several lives in the process and not
being held accountable for their actions. They do this for /money/,
not to protect children. The more people who know about this the
harder it will be for government to deny that this is actually going
on in ENGLAND, and government policy is actively SANCTIONING this
heinous activity.
On 7/6/09, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
> Folks,
> Anyone interested in doing something for this?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> #########
> For anyone interested in setting something up for Software Freedom Day
> 2009 - which is on Saturday 19th September.
> http://softwarefreedomday.org/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robert Schumann <robert at softwarefreedomday.org>
> Date: 2009/7/5
> Subject: [SFD-discuss] We have over 250 SFD teams!
> To: SFD announcements <sfd-announce at sf-day.org>, Open discussions
> about SFD <sfd-discuss at sf-day.org>
> Hello SFD'ers,
> We've passed the 250 registered teams mark, and we're rapidly closing
> in on our shipping deadlines to get supplies to teams. I hope your
> preparations for SFD are going well!
> This email is to let you know that, although we will definitely be
> shipping supplies to all teams that have registered before now, any
> teams that register from now on will receive supplies only if we have
> availability. Naturally we will be trying to ship materials to as many
> teams as we can, so there may still be time.
> Note that we will send out emails to all team leaders who have
> registered, letting them know when shipments have been sent and
> whether or not they'll be receiving anything.
> Good luck with your preparations - and don't forget you can get in
> touch with the SFI team with any questions/comments by emailing us at
> info at sf-day.org.
> Regards,
> Robert.
> President, Software Freedom International
> _______________________________________________
> SFD-discuss mailing list
> SFD-discuss at sf-day.org
> http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
> ##########
> --
> ----------------
> Martin Lomas
> martin at ml1.co.uk
> ----------------
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