[Nottingham] Nottingham Digest, Vol 303, Issue 1

tony atkins tony_atkins at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 31 01:39:34 UTC 2009

greetings to all
may i suggest a night out at the sherwood inn.
unlike town it is well within a students budget
real-ale has been out-lawed
excellent take-aways and restaraunts with little else
and unlike town it has only a few traffic cameras to record your every movement.
very few wi-fi points so you might have to actually talk to others.

sod MONO and all things microshaft
it is totally not needed
instead check out
for interesting new things
including a video recording the CEO ? of opera
it's one of the worst video's ever - full of good stuff that is well explained but shot by the worst cameraman ever - like a chinese bootlegger at a new film premiere.

Share your memories online with anyone you want.
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