[Nottingham] BBC Radio4 program tonight 01/06/2009: 'open source' computer software

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Tue Jun 2 12:37:49 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 13:18 +0100, James Gibbon wrote:
> The MP3 is only 27MB though, so not too big a consideration.

...and is copyright the BBC, redistribution not permitted unless for
"fair use" which doesn't mean in entirety.

Whilst not a DRM or copyright shill myself, advertising a recorded BBC
programme on a public mailing list with an archive with public access
seems... slightly less than well-guided. Especially given the
availability of the programme on iPlayer.

I'm pretty sure Nottingham Uni's network/security people will hunt it
down ;-)


PS No, I won't tell them...

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