[Nottingham] Getting PHP files to work under Apache2

Hazel Windle hazel at hazeldle.wanadoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 8 12:09:12 UTC 2009


I'm having trouble getting php files to work on my Apache2 webserver. I run 
Suse Linux 11.1, and I have installed Apache2, PHP5, Apache2modPHP5, and 
Mysql. I installed Mysql first and that works fine then I installed Apache2 
and PHP5 using YAST. I edited my http.conf file to include the line "AddType 
application/x-httpd-php .php but that didn't work for some reason, I obviously 
stopped and started the web server with apache2ctl after doing so. Does anyone 
know how to fix this?

Hazel Windle

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