[Nottingham] Aspire One Performance

Derek Huskisson derek at huskisson.free-online.co.uk
Thu Oct 1 08:25:44 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 30 Sep 2009 16:37:25 Iain Moppett wrote:
> Hi,
> Same issue for me.  Running JNR (9.04) on an Aspire One. 
> ... "The interface is slow and unresponsive; hovering over an icon will
> take a good few seconds before it "highlights", and I'll have to wait a
> while when opening applications." ...

 I'm using the original Aspire one but with 1GB memory and a 160GB HDD.

 I've also got URN (9.04) installed (from last week), it's a vanilla install 
apart from some attempts to get a DVB USB stick to work. I have problems with 
using this installation, like sometimes the mouse & keyboard don't work after 
booting, the SD card slots don't work and some display issues, but the 
responsiveness of teh system is very good, icons highlight straight away, 
programs start quickly. 

I've also got two other installs on this netbook
a) PuppyLinux 4.2 -- boots off the HD very quickly very responsive.

b) Archlinux with KDE 4.3 with an encrypted home partition only. This takes 2 
minutes to come up, but it's very usable after that. 

 If you want any settings then let me know.

                             Derek Huskison

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