[Nottingham] [Talk] *Wed* 03/02/2010 From Switch On to Desktop
Bob Marshall
mbob71 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 3 13:09:52 UTC 2010
Hello everyone, and my apologies for not being able to get along this evening - family commitments take precedence. I think the change of day is a good idea - I can usually make Wednesdays, where Thursdays are a bit awkward.
Anyway, I hope you have a great time and hope to see you next month, D.V.
A couple of websites might be of interest to some of the newer members and less-skilled (such as me)!
http://www.ubunter.com/ and a newish distro, with all sorts of goodies like Wine, VLC and stuff, http://zorin-os.webs.com/ . Probably best to keep it from the devotees of Mr Stallman, though!
Best regards to all,
Bob M.
--- On Wed, 3/2/10, Rory Holland <modestforagenius at googlemail.com> wrote:
From: Rory Holland <modestforagenius at googlemail.com>
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] [Talk] *Wed* 03/02/2010 From Switch On to Desktop
To: "Notts GNU/Linux Users Group" <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Date: Wednesday, 3 February, 2010, 10:36
Yes I will be there
On 3 February 2010 10:35, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
*TODAY* *WEDNESDAY* 03/02/2010
Should be good for all new starters and experts alike!
> Note the change of day to *Wednesdays* for the talks meets. Good, bad,
> or indifferent? Let me know please!
> For our next talk the subject is a non-geekie view of what happens when
> you switch on your PC through to when you see your desktop displayed.
> The essential details will be skimmed through so that an idea can be
> gained of what is involved. I'm also very amenable to be plied with beer
> later for the deeper geekie detail!
> All at our usual Navvy to navigate a few stories and a few beers:
> The Navigation
> http://www.thenavvy.co.uk/
> *WEDNESDAY* 03/02/2010
> Meet: 19:30
> (in the bar somewhere - look for penguins or just shout "where's NLUG!")
> Talk/Questions/Discussion: 20:00
> (in the room upstairs)
> Beers and Linux and other topics until 23:00
> The Navigation Inn
> 6 Wilford Street
> Nottingham
> NG2 1AA
> Tel: 0115 9417139
> http://www.pub-explorer.com/notts/pub/navigationinnnottingham.htm
> http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=52.948&lon=-1.1518&scale=10000&icon=x
> We head up to the large room upstairs at round abouts 8pm.
> And the gallon of beer question is: Is the WiFi access there now?!
To find us, just look for any penguins or a cluster of netbooks!
Or ask the friendly bar staff.
All welcome,
Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk
Nottingham mailing list
Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Rory Holland
+44 7896-352533
+44 155-9708931
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