[Nottingham] Forks!

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Oct 5 12:42:51 UTC 2010


A few big forks or so have been announced!

OpenOffice.org forks:

OpenOffice.org forsakes Oracle, forms new foundation and fork

"...move comes just weeks after Oracle announced it would stop
development on another open source project it acquired as part of Sun —
OpenSolaris. (a new entity known as Illumos has assumed control of the
open source project)."

OpenOffice files Oracle divorce papers

Welcome to The Document Foundation!
...created by leading members of the OpenOffice.org Community.

And Mandriva forks to spawn Magia:

Mageia – A New Linux Distribution

Mandriva itself continues but has been reorganised with a large push
from some Russian backing.

See Distrowatch for a few details:

DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 374, 4 October 2010

All a very good example of freedom and free choice and of why the GPL is
so important... It's all /our/ software...

More beer?


GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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