[Nottingham] Webcam snapshots

James Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 23 09:27:42 UTC 2011

On 18/08/2011 12:24, Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> Anyone know of how to, or any utilities, that can take a single frame
> snapshot from a webcam *without* having the webcam running
> continuously?
> That is: How can you use one of the new fangled HD-quality webcams as
> a 'camera'?
> (This is also to get around the problem that you cannot use multiple
> HD webcams on one USB2 hub...)

um... you can... I have.
There's a Mandriva-based ISO around called Zoneminder, which allows you 
to capture video or stills on a timebase or a motion-detect basis, from 
any number of cameras, USB or network (LAN or WAN), into a single 
location. If you get stuck I might still have a copy of it somewhere. 
There's also a nonintegrated version of ZM but getting it installed and 
solving the many dependency issues it has is a nightmare. Better off 
with the ISO.



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