[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 07/12/2011 Lights, Sound, Computer, Mind, Action! A Dream Within A Dream?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 18:15:04 UTC 2011


Wednesday 07/12/2011:

Lights, Sound, Computer, Mind, Action!
A Dream Within A Dream?

Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?...

Certainly seems so virtually...

This 'talk' is going to be more of a video show through alternate
worlds and developments spanning whatever virtual realms. Hopefully,
making something to expand your minds and perhaps even your musical
tastes a little...

More bits and pixels and voxels to follow...

All at our usual venue in our Real World on Canal Street:

7:30pm meet;
8:00pm Going Virtual.

Usual discussions and dreams afterwards,

See a few there,


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