[Nottingham] OpenID?

James Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 15 17:07:09 UTC 2011

On 14/07/2011 18:40, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 14/07/11 17:32, James Moore wrote:
>> I'd be up for that if it doesn't clash with my insane schedule! A topic
>> such as this would run far too quickly, I think, for a message board...
>> mayhap a Skype conference is in order?
> Skype?  Surely you mean Ekiga or Mumble?
> Freedom hater!  :-P

I love freedom (says he typing this on a spanking brand new Toshiba 
laptop with Windows 7!), but Skype's just too useful to ditch for 
political reasons.

On the laptop front, I'm playing with Oracle's virtual machine to 
piggyback XP, SuSE 11 and Debian/Knoppix. My only problem is I can't 
decide whether to fix the virtual drive or set it up with dynamic 

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