[Nottingham] Hi
david at gbenet.com
david at gbenet.com
Mon Jul 18 02:29:17 UTC 2011
Hash: SHA256
Eben Till wrote:
> How'ds it work?
> I use mutt and like making my own perl extensions and PGP sounds like it'd
> be pretty cool to add. I... have too much time on my hands.
> Also, welcome :3
> ~Eben
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:35 PM, david at gbenet.com <david at gbenet.com> wrote:
> Martin wrote:
>>>> On 17 July 2011 21:58, david at gbenet.com <david at gbenet.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi to All,
>>>>> I've just moved up from London to Eastwood - and have been a Linux user
> for about 10 years
>>>>> or more - currently Ubuntu and Linux Mint. I retired early - so now just
> paint and write. I
>>>>> have a general interest in cryptology!
>>>> David,
>>>> Hello and welcome to the group!
>>>> Not sure if we've got any cryptography specialists but we can always
>>>> be educated... We do good deals on beers ;-)
>>>> Next social event is this Wednesday:
>>>> A Taste of Marrakesh
>>>> http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2011/06/a-taste-of-marrakesh/283
>>>> for which you're welcome to come along.
>>>> Next talk is on Wed 3rd September and is going to be about the "Nuts
>>>> and Bolts" that make up a Linux system.
>>>> And then there is Barcamp this coming weekend for the brave and daring
>>>> or outright geekie! :-)
>>>> http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2011/06/barcamp-nottingham/278
>>>> Welcome to the maillist. Hope to see you also,
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Martin
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Nottingham mailing list
>>>> Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>>> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/nottingham
> Hi Martin,
> Real ale? Always good! If you have Thunderbird install enigmail generate a
> key perhaps we
> can have a key signing party! I can send some PDF docs if you like!
> David
Hi Eben,
Public key encryption is a two-part system - you have a public key which you share with the
world by uploading to a public key server and a private key which you keep safe and private.
People encrypt using your public key - you de-crypt using your private key. Every distro of
Linux comes with gnugpg. You can use the command line to make a set of keys or use GPA GUI
works with Debian Gnome or if you have KDE KGPG.
You will need a mail programe like Thunderbird or Seamonkey to seemlessly sign or encrypt or
decrypt mail. You will need an Thunderbird or Seamonkey ADDON Enigmail. You could use
enigmail to generate your keys create a revocation certificate (in case of loss of private
key or you forget your passphrase (more on that in a bit).
So first create your keys - key length 2048 set an expiry date to 5 or 10 years (nothing
lasts forever) your passphrase - there is soe discussion on having a strong passphrase. A
simple "anarchist joins tory party" is much stronger than "abc123hjil%z$ql=" taking more
than 20 years to crack with current computing power. Like any good password it should be
meaningless and hard to associate with you. But as long as you remember that all passwords
can be broken by a brute force attack (ie braking your arms and legs) you can rest assured
that a good passphrase is almost impossible to crack.
So you have created your keys - uploaded your public key to a key server. So now you want to
encrypt - get other people's public keys! There's a yahoo groups where you can test out your
new delights: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PGPNET/join
Have fun - and spread the word! You can even have a key signing party - you can google that
Nottingham mailing list
Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
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> _______________________________________________
> Nottingham mailing list
> Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/nottingham
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http:/counter.li.org 512854
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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