[Nottingham] Just Gone And What Next?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Jul 27 17:29:00 UTC 2011


Next Wednesday 03/08/2011 I'm giving a talk on:

The Nuts & Bolts of Linux

That is a non-technical explanation of how the various parts of
GNU/Linux (and the jargon) fits/bolts together to make what we know of
as a 'Linux' system.

Which reminds me... There is now Android/Linux which is a talk all in
itself... Anyone happy to give a talk to explain something of
Android/Linux? Can be introductory, 'deep', or even a demo of
applications. Anything and whatever you might be interested in and
wish to explain to others. Any takers?

The current list of events for our group is on:

Events List

I've listed the Manchester and Blackpool barcamps for if people wish
to arrange shared transport. The Nottingham barcamp was great fun so
I'll be going along! There's a few pictures on:

Barcamp Nottingham

for last weekend.

Anyone coming to our talk by Richard Stallman, please book as soon as
possible (if you're sure you're coming).

Should be good!

Any offers for talks welcomed, for anything you're interested in!
(Email on here or direct if you wish.)

Any takers?


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