[Nottingham] NLUG: What's in a name?

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 21:05:27 UTC 2011

On 9 June 2011 12:05, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
> Folks,
> At the moment, we've got for our website the title:
> "Nottingham Linux Users Group"
> and the tagline:
> "For all and everyone Linux"
> For those that know, what we commonly describe and use as "Linux" is
> actually a vital chunk of "GNU" tools and utilities running on top of
> a kernel. The "Linux" is actually 'just' the kernel. All of that is
> protected by various flavours of the GPL 'copyleft' licence. Neither
> part can work without the other for we commonly understand to be
> 'Linux'... Indeed, I think the GPL has been essential for defending
> the very existence of "GNU/Linux".
> Trying to be more descriptive, are there any objections/comments for
> using the title:
> "Nottingham GNU/Linux Users Group"

Really? Again? Are we going to suggest lug.org register glug.org and
make this change?

Now don't get me wrong, I have a lot of love for GNU and what Stallman
and the FSF have done but I don't feel that the distinction is
worthwhile to site visitors.

The people who care know what it means and the people who don't may
well learn in time.

> and the tagline:
> "For all and everyone and anything Free/Libre and Open Sourced"
> for the group website?
> (Is there a FLOSH for the hardware for FLOSS?! :-) )
> What say you all?

Will this distinction really attract more people to the group, or just
be a verbose "correction" of the current name and tag line? :-)

Joshua Lock

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