[Nottingham] AWK script

Camilo Mesias camilo at mesias.co.uk
Fri Mar 25 09:42:16 UTC 2011


You could probably combine the two fairly easily, something along the lines of:

for name in $(cat sorted-names.txt); do echo $name ; done

That reads names from the file (using cat) and echos each one. You
could replace the echo bit with your script and have name=$name to
assign the name from the file into the variable for each loop. You
could probably put in a > $name.txt too.


On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 9:28 AM, stripes <stripes at roppa.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Cam,
>> Ah I see, that's down to the format I suppose. I think if I was doing
>> it this way (with awk) and passing in the name anyway, I would
>> probably not bother printing the name found. In fact you could have
>> two scripts, one that prints a list of names only and another that
>> prints all the titles for one name...
> I have two separate scripts I was just trying combine them into a
> single script basically to learn more about AWK.
> To extract names I have this
> awk '{RS=""};{FS="\n"};{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~ /Author-Name:/)
> print  $i}}' wpaper.rdf | sed 's/Author-Name: //g' | sort -u >
> sorted-names.txt
> Finds Author-Name: in each record, Strips the Author-Name: and
> trailing space, sorts into alphabetical order and strips duplicates
> and dumps it all in a text file.
> To find the titles I have this
> awk '{RS=""};{FS="\n"};{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~
> name)}}{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~ name){for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if($i ~
> /Title:/){print $i }}}}}' name=Harry.R.Clarke wpaper.rdf | sed
> 's/Title: //g' > Harry.R.Clarke.txt
> Finds Harry.R.Clarke in each record extracts the Title line from the
> record strips title and outputs it to a file.
> I wonder if I can use the sorted-names.txt as input to the second
> script to extract every title for every author.
> That will give me something to puzzle about for the weekend.
> Stripes.
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