[Nottingham] [Talk] *Tomorrow* Wednesday 05/10/2011: A Moment in Time and Space - GPS

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Oct 4 09:42:38 UTC 2011

On 4 October 2011 09:36, Dylan Swift <dylan.swift at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there any plans to record the session or are these events less
> formal than that?

The talks are very informal. The emphasis is on enjoying something
interesting, sharing ideas, and enjoying some friendly thoughtful
discussion. Setting up to do video/sound recording is a fair bit of
effort and time to setup and then also to edit the results. Also, I
don't want to scare off the speakers!

So, sorry, not usually done for that one.

Aside: We recorded the rms talk with his approval. The tidied up
version of that will be put up onto the web as soon as possible.
Otherwise, there is the ustream version where you need to skip through
to about the 27mins mark for the start of the talk.

If you're on for when we have a Beeston beers meetup, then you'll
likely be able to quiz Dave there.

Hope to see you at a later meet.


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