[Nottingham] Linux number of forwarded net connections limit

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Oct 12 13:14:40 UTC 2011

On 12 October 2011 14:04, Jason Irwin <jasonirwin73 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/10/11 13:54, Martin wrote:
>> So... Only 'pirates' with 'contraband hardware' get a decent
>> service?... And then there are still the unreliable vagaries of
>> ADSL... (Should never have been allowed! :-( )
> I have an ancient Belkin router you can borrow if you want.  It's only
> G-band wireless and a bit thick-as-a-brick, but it works.

Thanks kindly, but don't know if that is going to be any better than
the standard domestic cheapies.

> If the customer's problems evaporate, you'll know for sure it's the
> router (and nothing something further upstream).

It's a good test but unfortunately they are too remote for me to just
pop round to play. :-(

They are also completely technophobic so it's got to be a
plug'n'work-first-time solution!


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