[Nottingham] Routers

Ron Wilton ron_w_add at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 15 12:29:48 UTC 2011


It would be useful to know which one it is so that I can avoid it, please.


From: Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com>
To: nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sent: Saturday, 15 October 2011, 11:16
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] Routers

On 15/10/11 10:54, Ron Wilton wrote:
> I'm looking at getting a router, etc to get our two computer connected wirelessly along with internet connection.
There is a known problem with one of the Belkin routers and a particular wi-fi Broadcom chipset.  I can be more specific if you need me to.

Regards,        Barry.

-- Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.

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