[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 02/11/2011: The Attraction of Contributors in FLOSS
martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Oct 28 14:06:16 UTC 2011
On 28 October 2011 14:43, James Moore <jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Skipper, Kowalski, Private and Rico.
They're the easy ones!
> Oh, ya mean the other one??
> OK, here goes...
> The BSD Daemon
> Tux
> Dunno the next one, if it's really obvious you have my permission to
> Gibbs-slap me.
> Mozilla
> There's a GNU on the wall there, I don't know who the photographs are of
You must be joking?! You obviously ain't been to any of our recent meetings...
> (dang netbook screen too small), there's an OpenOffice notebook, X Windows
> and GTK dice on the table, and they all seem to be enjoying a lovely cup of
> Java. Oh, I almost missed the Apache feather in the GIMP cup. And the GNOME
> tablecloth. Pretty.
> Isn't Camel a toolkit for Apache?
> Um... that's all I got.
Sure there's not a few others?...
What about the calendar?...
>>> The Attraction of Contributors in Free/Libre and Open Source Software
>>> http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2011/09/the-attraction-of-contributors-in-floss/575
>> Who can name all the icons/logos in the 'family portrait'? :-)
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