[Nottingham] Webcam snapshots

Camilo Mesias camilo at mesias.co.uk
Sat Sep 3 09:13:17 UTC 2011

The obvious solution seems to be to upgrade the hardware to support
the number of devices you need, my gut feel is that one big box is
going to be the cheapest way to run several HD webcams at once. If you
need to scale to many more webcams or more locations then several
small networked boxes might be a possibility.

A barebones PC starting with a £40 motherboard should give onboard
everything including three PCI slots plus one onboard USB hub (that's
your 4 webcams sorted), you might be able to fit it in an existing PC
for a low cost upgrade.

It wlil also be easier to synchronise everything if it's on one PC
rather than spread over several networked devices.


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