[Nottingham] Why Java would still stink even if it weren't security swiss cheese

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 11:39:01 UTC 2012

On 31/08/12 12:25, Dan Caseley wrote:
> On the mention of security, there's been something bothering me
> recently. All of the advice seems to be uninstall or disable Java until
> a patch is made available. If I'm reliant on Eclipse, is there anything
> I can do to mitigate my risk?

Two things AIUI:
1) It's the *browser* plug-in that is the problem
2) *Only* the Oracle version is affected (OpenJDK etc should be fine)

I can't recall the last time I say a Java browser widget.  They are
god-awful and redundant now we have HTML5, jquery, Backbone, node.js,
yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.

Jason Irwin

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