[Nottingham] Ubuntu + Amazon

Dan Caseley dan at caseley.me.uk
Tue Dec 11 17:51:58 UTC 2012

Agreed. I'm all for advertising as an acceptable method of payment, and
with rare exception (the UI intrusion), I block no adverts at all - the
more Google knows about me, the closer adverts converge on meaningful

This isn't that.

This is dumb "You typed that, so buy this!". It reeks of a cash grab and I
can see why it'd leave a bad taste in the mouths of the Ubuntu faithful.
With the exception of Mark Shuttleworth, does anyone know of a supporter of
this idea? I'd love to get the perspective of the pro-Amazon Ubuntu user.

On 11 Dec 2012 17:42, "Martin" <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Folks,
> I've just tried the various flavours of Ubuntu as included on this
> month's Linux Format DVD and...
> Unity ain't all that bad... Actually, it looks rather smooth and good
> compared to the Microsoft "Metro" schizophrenia...
> BUT...
> OUCH! What is that Amazon connection doing there, prominently placed?...
> I don't know about other's thoughts but I find that prominent
> inclusion, and the threat of desktop advertising and tracking for
> "Marketing purposes", to be far too uncomfortably creepy to be
> acceptable. It's given me a very cold feeling of the first steps to
> the "Dark Side"...
> That one little icon has badly cooled my opinion of that base distro.
> The emphasis is moved from being for the good of the users to instead
> being for the benefit of commercial concerns. Hence, untrusted. :-(
> I'm very happy for business to be made from FLOSS. It just has to be
> clear and open and free from the all too often seen 'sharp practice'.
> My boarder for one aspect of 'sharp practice' is strictly the display
> area of the web browser window. Strictly there must be no "3rd
> parties" wandering over the boundary of that viewing window!
> Freedom is what we make it...
> Cheers,
> Martin
> All merely my personal observations and opinion as always.
> - --
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