[Nottingham] A Google Webmaster Scam?

ForkBombFluf fluf at freeshell.org
Wed Dec 19 17:39:21 UTC 2012

Oooops... Sorry I forgot to trin the last message.

(So I've top-posted an apology to make up for it)  :-P

On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, ForkBombFluf wrote:

> Probably quite easily if anyone else has used Chrome to try an access the 
> NLUG web page.  It popped up a giant red warning page telling us all to steer 
> well clear of it, and referenced the above URL as the source of malware.
> (Sorry, I was too lazy to send a screenshot at the time and was pretty sure 
> it would result in a rant and an uproar on here eventually anyway.)
> ;-)

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