[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 01/02/2012: AIGT – Virtual Machines

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Feb 8 14:04:30 UTC 2012


>>      >  An Irwin’s Guide To – Virtual Machines
>>      >
>>      >  Come along to sample virtuality in reality ;-)
>> Thanks to Jason for a very good and informative laptop-presented talk,


> I keep missing these talks... is there one on this week?? I've actually
> got some moneycashstuff this week and might actually drink something a
> little stronger than house ale this time!

What?! One each week??!!! Phew! Is there desperate demand for such
frequent meets? ;-)

We do meet every two weeks with a weekly extra each Blue Moon (coming up
soon). (How's that for poetry? :-) )

Next meet up is the foodie social:

* Pit & Pendulum and a Kayal;

* There's then a leap into a Beeston Blue Moon;

Then a very timely leap beyond the very next week with a talk on a
long-standing but ethereal construct:

* "Time";

Following on that we have further foodie socials and talks in whatever
order for:

* RaspberryPi

* Linux Goodies

* A "video presentation" through 50 years of Virtualities (revamped in
"HD" and with the sound normalised! :-) )

... And lots more. See:


Suggestions welcomed for further talks. Anyone interested in any
"beginners guides" type introductions? Anyone interested in giving a
talk to the group on a topic that you are interested in?

Enough of the pluggin' :-) ...

Long time no see, hope to see you round. Complete with crazy Mad Max
techno-bike? ;-)


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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