[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 04/07/2012: Easy as Raspberry Pi

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Jul 6 12:03:56 UTC 2012

On 02/07/12 13:55, Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> To continue the Raspberry Pi feast this week:
> Easy as Raspberry Pi
> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/easy-as-raspberry-pi
>     So what does it do and what can you do with it?
>     How does it do it? What are “ARM” and “SoC”?
>     Why is it called a “Raspberry Pi”?!
>     Does it live up to all the hype and world-wide sensation??
>     Will it transform two decades of IT schooling stagnation?

And a good feast was had at both the Hackspace event and for our NLUG
talk. It was very good see some new faces and also a few younger
contingent showing great interest and putting the RasPi through its paces.

Further comment on:

A Feast of Raspberry Pi

And there's further feasting at our next social at:

A Langtry’s Capocci

See ya there!


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