[Nottingham] Light weight Linux

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 12:10:36 UTC 2012

On 09/06/12 19:11, Matthew Tompsett wrote:
> I reckon this might do well with Lubuntu, the LXDE variant of Ubuntu.
> Or maybe some other LXDE based distro. Give it a try
> http://lubuntu.net/ . The website says it can run on a Pentium II or
> Celeron based system with 128 mb RAM. Good luck!
What Matt said.  And if that doesn't work, try Lubuntu.
Or one of the newer Puppies perhaps?
There's always Arch if you fancy getting yer hands a bit dirty.

I can get an ageing Compaq to run Ubuntu/Mint with little trouble, but
it is blessed with a rather beefy ATI card.  If you can get the lappies
GPU to carry some of the GUI load, performance will always be better.

Jason Irwin

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