[Nottingham] Reading realtime Android GPS into a PC

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sun Jun 17 19:07:11 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 17/06/12 19:12, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> On 17/06/12 17:52, Martin wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Anyone know of an Android/Linux utility pairing to read position
>> and time data from a smartphone GPS in realtime and across USB
>> (or bluetooth) onto such as a netbook/PC?

> Perhaps Viking" can do it - but there are lots of GPS interfaces
> out there though somearea brain ache - if you can transfer your
> data then Viking will show it - with the option of downloading maps
> and charts.

I'm not so worried about the maps and charts... I'm just interested in
relative displacement and time, and integrating (averaging) multiple
samples to try to gain greater relative precision.

I can get a list of samples easy enough from a logger and then run
through the GPX file offline. What would be neater is to hook up to a
netbook or RasPi for some realtime cleverness :-)

I may even look up using GPS as an ntp source again... (However, that
bit is rather low priority as a fun aside.)


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